Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Free Agent Madness

Yesterday was insanity. Leave it to the NFL to overtake the news at a time when conference tournaments are in full swing preparing for the NCAA Tournament and Spring Training games are being played as we prepare for the 2015 MLB season. It just goes to show you that the NFL truly is king.

There’s been a lot of talk about who has landed where, but let’s take a look at who’s left and where they might go…

1. DeMarco Murray – he’s #1 with a bullet on the available FA list. The Eagles appeared to be swooping in to sign him until they inked Ryan Mathews to a 3 year deal today. That would look as if it puts them out of the running…but you never know what Chip Kelly has up his sleeve. Obviously he can return to Dallas, but I have a strange feeling that Ole’ Jerry is going to put his eggs in the basket of a Texas native who might want out of where he is now – Adrian Peterson. Oakland has a ton of money to spend, but they’re Oakland and most people would say the same goes for Jacksonville. However, with the signing of Julius Thomas, Murray may want to form a core with him and Bortles. They now become intriguing. MY PICK – JAGUARS

2. Terrance Knighton – a pure nose tackle, the big man has interest from quite a few teams. He can return to Denver where he’s played for the last two years. He was drafted by Jacksonville but I don’t see any interest there. However, it does mean he’s played with Jack Del Rio as a coach for his whole career. Does that mean he goes to Oakland? Two other teams to look at are the Bears and the Redskins. Both run 3-4 defenses and are looking for that run-stopping, block-hogging guy in the middle and Pot Roast is just that guy. He’s allegedly visiting with Washington today. The Colts are also interested in him but with the signing of Cole, Gore and possibly Andre Johnson can they fit him in their salary structure? MY PICK – REDSKINS. They have a history of over-paying for free agents and I see this as the case for Knighton.

3. Brian Orakpo – he’s been an outstanding rush linebacker for the Redskins in his career so far but it’s going to be interesting to see if Washington wants him back after his third pectoral injury. They franchised him last year and signed him to a one-year deal, but you have to think the injury bug is a concern for the Redskins. The Titans are interested in him as they are looking for a rush linebacker. The Cardinals are also interested according to NFL Network’s Ian Rappaport. MY PICK – TITANS

4. CJ Spiller – Another player that has been injury prone his whole career, but is shown the door in Buffalo after they traded for LeSean McCoy. The teams interested in him are fascinating because they are all potential playoff contenders. Can Spiller sign with one of them and make a difference? Dallas is interested but I can’t see them having Spiller be their #1 back if they lose Murray. Philadelphia is in the mix, but again, with the signing of Mathews and the interest in Murray, who knows what will happen with the Eagles. Two AFC East teams are also interested. One being the Jets, but that just doesn’t feel right to me. Now the Patriots are really interesting here because they just lost Shane Vereen to the Giants and need another RB to complete their mix that Belichick likes to employ. MY PICK – PATRIOTS

5. Greg Hardy – my final selection has a lot of baggage to deal with should he be signed. He is still on the Commissioner’s Exempt List at this time, but like states, with his age and production you know there will be teams interested. They mention a number, six, that might be interested but don’t give out any names. Here are my thoughts:

a. NY Jets – money to spend and could use another DE. Jason Babin is getting up there in age but is an OL and they could use a bookend to Wilkerson.

b. Patriots – Belichick has been known to take on a reclamation project or two (Dillon, Moss, OchoCinco, etc…) and again, with Hardy’s age and production he’d be a great fit in NE.

c. Titans – they’ve got cap room and their DL is nothing to write home about

d. Dallas – looking at their roster, they need a legit pass rusher to help solidify an improved defense. And Jerry is a guy who will take a chance on someone like Hardy.

e. Chicago – they didn’t get the production they would have like from Jared Allen and Hardy could be a nice fit as a rush OLB. After the debacle with Lamarr Houston last year the Bears need a solid pass rusher to put pressure on Rodgers, Stafford and Bridgewater.

f. New Orleans – their roster is being gutted by cap restrictions but they need a good pash rusher in the mix. But this is a LONG shot.


There you have it. My picks for the best 5 free agents on the market that aren't aligned with just one team. It's been quite a conversation piece the last few days here in Indianapolis. I'm just ready for my Bears to make some more moves..... *ahem - Cutler for Brees*

Oh yeah, in case you didn't see it - the Young Guns took center stage in Mesa yesterday amid all the NFL free agent news. Jorge Soler, Javier Baez and Kris Bryant went back-to-back-to-back against the Indians. Oh baby I'm ready for baseball. 

Until next time,

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